
Foto Fabricio Breve

Fabricio Breve is an Associate Professor at the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp).


Selected Honors:

  • Second Best Oral Presentation in the Area of Computer Science at the 11ª Jornada Científica e Tecnológica – JORNACITEC, Faculdade de Tecnologia de Botucatu – FATEC, 2022.
  • Best Paper presented at the IX Workshop do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação da UNESP (WPPGCC 2019), UNESP, 2019.
  • Best Paper at the VIII Workshop do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação da Unesp (WPPGCC 2018), UNESP, 2018.
  • Best Paper presented at the V Workshop do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação da UNESP (V WPPGCC-UNESP) in the research line “Engenharia de Software e Banco de Dados”, V WPPGCC – UNESP, 2015.
  • “Prof. Adilson Gonzaga” Award Honorable Mention, XI Workshop de Visão Computacional (WVC 2015), 2015.
  • Best PhD Thesis Award – Second Place of the Brazilian Competition (CBIC-PhD Thesis), 1st BRICS-CCI and 11th Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence (CBIC 2013), 2013.
  • Third Place in the VIII Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Inteligência Artificial (CTDIA 2012) – Categoria Tese de Doutorado, The Brazilian Conference on Intelligent System (BRACIS 2012), 2012.
  • IEEE CIS Outstanding Student Paper Travel Grant and INNS Travel Grant, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE CIS) and International Neural Network Society (INNS), 2010.
  • IEEE CIS Outstanding Student Paper Travel Grant and INNS Travel Grant, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE CIS) and International Neural Network Society (INNS), 2009.
  • Best student of the 3rd year, Técnico em Processamento de Dados, Colégio Integrado, 1997.
  • Best student of the 2nd year, Técnico em Processamento de Dados, Colégio Integrado, 1996.
  • Best student of the 1st year, Técnico em Processamento de Dados, Colégio Integrado, 1995.

Research Interests:

    • Nature Inspired Computing
    • Machine Learning
    • Semi-Supervised Learning
    • Active Learning
    • Artificial Neural Networks
    • Pattern Recognition
    • Data Clustering
    • Complex Networks
    • Image Processing
    • Dynamical Systems

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fabriciobreve.com/about/