IEEE Transaction on Games accepted my paper From Pixels to Titles: Video Game Identification by Screenshots using Convolutional Neural Networks.
The paper evaluates the ability to identify video games using screenshots with different CNN and transformer architectures. EfficientNetV2S showed the highest average accuracy at 77.44%, outperforming other models in video game identification.
The preprint is available here.
Some examples of screenshots from the proposed dataset.
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I had three papers published at the 23rd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2023):
- Convolutional Neural Networks and Ensembles for Visually Impaired Aid;
- Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Feature Selection in Fraud Detection Process;
- Semi-supervised Time Series Classification Through Image Representations.
Check the publications section for the complete references, DOI links to the published versions on the Springer website, download of the preprint versions and presentations, and links to the code on GitHub.
I want to thank and congratulate all the other authors: Gabriel, Vitoria, Bionda, Emílio, and Daniel.
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I had a paper accepted at Expert Systems With Applications:
- BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido. COVID-19 Detection on Chest X-Ray Images: A comparison of CNN architectures and ensembles. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022. (Accepted for Publication)
The preprint is available here. The reproducible source code is available on GitHub and CodeOcean.
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We had a paper accepted at the Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment:
- BERGAMIM JÚNIOR, Emílio; BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido. On tuning a mean-field model for semi-supervised classification. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2022. (Accepted for Publication)
The preprint is available here.
Congratulations to Emílio!
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Está disponível a primeira aula do curso de Sistemas Operacionais II, com uma Introdução ao sistema operacional Linux:
- Histórico do UNIX e do Linux
- Desenvolvimento do Linux e Comunidade
- Distribuições do Linux
- Buscando informações sobre o Linux
- Programas Utilitários
- Interpretador de Comandos (Shell)
- Editores de Texto
- Compiladores (GCC)
- Programa da Disciplina
- Método de Avaliação
Confira no Youtube:
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No segundo semestre de 2020, por conta da pandemia e impossibilidade de aulas presenciais, as aulas expositivas da disciplina Redes de Computadores do curso Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação foram gravadas e disponibilizadas online.
Estou disponibilizando esses vídeos para todos que desejarem aprender com este material. Espero que seja útil. São mais de 32 horas, divididas em 8 vídeos (tópicos) que estão nesta playlist:
Este material está sendo disponibilizado apenas com o objetivo de compartilhar conhecimento e, naturalmente, não oferece créditos em cursos ou disciplinas de qualquer instituição.
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We had two papers accepted at The 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2020):
- RIBEIRO PASSERINI, Jefferson Antonio; BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido. Complex Network Construction for Interactive Image Segmentation using Particle Competition and Cooperation: A New Approach In: The 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA2020), 2020, Cagliari, Itália. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Cham, Suiça: Springer International Publishing AG, 2020.
- TOSO, Guilherme Marino; BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido. Synchronization Analysis in Models of Coupled Oscillators In: The 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, 2020, Cagliari, Itália. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Cham, Suiça: Springer International Publishing AG, 2020.
Preprints are available in the publications section.
Congratulations to Jefferson and Guilherme!
Complex Network Construction for Interactive Image Segmentation using Particle Competition and Cooperation: A New Approach.
Synchronization Analysis in Models of Coupled Oscillators
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We had two papers accepted at the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI), one of them in the 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2020) and the other in the 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2020):
- BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido; FISCHER, Carlos Norberto. Visually Impaired Aid using Convolutional Neural Networks, Transfer Learning, and Particle Competition and Cooperation In: 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2020), 2020, Glasgow, UK.
- RODER, Mateus; ROSA, Gustavo Henrique de; BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido; PAPA, João Paulo. Fine-Tuning Temperatures in Restricted Boltzmann Machines Using Meta-Heuristic Optimization In: 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2020), 2020, Glasgow, UK. Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2020), 2020.
Preprints and other resources will soon be available in the publications section.
Visually Impaired Aid using Convolutional Neural Networks, Transfer Learning, and Particle Competition and Cooperation: The proposed framework using Particle Competition and Cooperation for semi-supervised classification with VGG16 as a feature extractor.
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MSc Caio Carneloz made his Python implementation of the Particle Competition and Cooperation (PCC) model available on GitHub (pycc). Check it out if you want to use the algorithm on your data.
The MATLAB implementation is also available on GitHub, including a version with the main loop compiled in C (MEX) for faster execution.
The Particle Competiton and Cooperation original article is available here, and the accepted manuscript is available here.
Other articles and their respective implementation are available in the Publications section. If you need the code for the algorithms in other articles that are not available yet, please contact me and I’ll do my best to make it available as soon as possible.
Particle Competition and Cooperation (PCC)
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The paper “Auxílio no diagnóstico da doença de Alzheimer a partir de imagens de ressonância magnética utilizando competição e cooperação entre partículas” (“Diagnostic aid for Alzheimer’s disease from magnetic resonance imaging using particle competition and cooperation”) authored by Caio Oliveira Carneloz and Fabricio Aparecido Breve received the award of Best Paper presented at the IX Workshop do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação da Unesp (WPPGCC 2019), which took place at Bauru-SP last week.
Congratulations Caio! Keep up with the good work!
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