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ReferenceDOI LinkPreprint PDFCode
BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido. From Pixels to Titles: Video Game Identification by Screenshots using Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Games, 2025.DOIPDFCode on GitHub
BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido. COVID-19 detection on Chest X-ray images: A comparison of CNN architectures and ensembles. Expert Systems With ApplicationsFator de Impacto(2020 JCR): 6,9540, v. 204, p.117549, 2022.DOIPDFCode on GitHubCódigo-Fonte
BERGAMIM JÚNIOR, Emílio; BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido
On tuning a mean-field model for semi-supervised classification. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and ExperimentFator de Impacto(2020 JCR): 2,2310, v.2022, p.053402, 2022.
DOIPDFCode on GitHub
BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido. Interactive Image Segmentation using Label Propagation through Complex Networks. Expert Systems With Applications, v. 123, p.18 – 33, 2019.DOIPDFCode on GitHub
BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido; ZHAO, Liang; QUILES, Marcos Gonçalves. Particle Competition and Cooperation for Semi-Supervised Learning with Label Noise. Neurocomputing (Amsterdam), v.160, p.63 – 72, 2015.DOIPDFCode on GitHub
RIBEIRO DA SILVA, Bárbara; BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido. Segmentação de imagens utilizando competição e cooperação entre partículas. Interciência & Sociedade – Revista Eletrônica. v.4, p.75 – 85, 2015.PDF
BODO, Leandro; OLIVEIRA, Hilda Carvalho; BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido; MARINHO, Eraldo Pereira; ELER, Danilo Medeiros. Aprendizagem de Máquina para Análise de Indicadores na Engenharia de Software. Interciência & Sociedade – Revista Eletrônica. v.4, p.9 – 20, 2015.PDF
BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido; ZHAO, Liang. Fuzzy community structure detection by particle competition and cooperation. Soft Computing (Berlin. Print). , v.17, p.659 – 673, 2013.DOIPDFCode on GitHub
BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido; ZHAO, Liang; QUILES, Marcos Gonçalves; PEDRYCZ, Witold; LIU, Jimming. Particle Competition and Cooperation in Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (Print), v.24, p.1686 – 1698, 2012.DOIPDFMATLAB Code on GitHubPython Code on GitHub
BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido; ZHAO, Liang; QUILES, Marcos Gonçalves; MACAU, Elbert Einstein Nehrer. Chaotic Phase Synchronization and Desynchronization in an Oscillator Network for Object Selection. Neural Networks, v. 22, p. 728-737, 2009.DOIPDFCode on GitHub
QUILES, Marcos Gonçalves; ZHAO, Liang; BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido; ROMERO, Roseli Aparecida Francelin. A network of integrate and fire neurons for visual selection. Neurocomputing (Amsterdam), v. 72, p. 2198-2208, 2009.DOI
ZHAO, Liang; BREVE, Fabricio Aparecido. Chaotic synchronization in 2D lattice for scene segmentation. Neurocomputing (Amsterdam), v. 71, p. 2761-2771, 2008.DOI

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